Friday, February 03, 2006

Teel. Third Floor. Men's Room

Let's talk teel hall. Let's talk trickery. Let's talk tight spaces. The outing started with a deceptive handicapped bathroom. Upon seeing the tight seat, I panicked and dove into the stall that Nels was trying to sit in. We ended up wrestling for the spot, and to the untrained ear it could have sounded like a little more than wrestling. As a last ditch effort, I tried the trout. Slippery like the trout is I lost footing and Nelson pushed me out of the stall successfully... Lucky Man.

So there I was staring at this contraption of a toilet. I knew what I had to do, so I dropped trou and had a sit. The space was so tight I was practically giving myself the fruitbasket (ask for explanation). This posed quite a comfort problem. I couldn't spread my legs for comfort because the handicapped bars had me trapped. Meanwhile, Nelson was laughing to himself as he was basking in comfort. I didn't want to touch the ice cold bars so I kept my legs tight. DIOS MIO, this place fails in comfort. I made an amazing discovery while sitting there, as I often do my best thinking in the confinement of a bathroom stall. (You will have to ask me about this discovery as well, because it's just too explicit to describe here in this Blog. Remember, I do a service. I'm not here to gross people out.)

After the discovery was made we did some soul searching, wait, no we didn't we examined the bathroom as we always do. And here are the ratings.

Comfort: 2 out of 5. Nelson was snickering to himself as I sat in handicapped misery.

Accessibility: 1 out of 5. Who the heck wants to hike up there? It's on the other side of campus on the third floor. I'll take Master's or the Chapel over this any day.

Writings: 0 out of 5. Give us a reason to get up there, because there is nothing to read on these walls right now.

Cleanliness: 5 out of 5. Nicely done.

Crowdedness: 5 out of 5. Unless you have the unusual situation of fighting with your poopin' buddy for a stall, there will be little competition.

Overall: 13 out of 25. One of the two stalls in the bathroom are nice, and you don't want to hike all the way up there for a 50/50 chance. Find a different hole for your dirt.

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