Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Administration. Basement. Men's Room.

They don't call the basement the dungeon for nothing. Man that place is lame. The bathroom was not much better. The dark creepiness of this place did not give me a comfortable feeling, and the unaccomodating toilets left me at a low position that was in no way shape or form ideal for letting the logs down the river. The bathroom is bland with little writings on the walls, and the paint actually prevents writings from being very legible on the outside stalls. There is a random splashing of brown on the off white paint that resembles the occasional streak mark that you may have left on the porcelain.
A real plus to this bathroom though is its proximity to our coveted radio station WXAC. If you catch it on a good hour you might hear some music that will put you in a mood suitable for your kind of deuce. If it's a tough squeeze, hard rock in the evening should pump you up. If you just had some Mexican for lunch, well then the Spanish hour should liven you up almost enough to make you dance while you are sitting.
If you are in for a little adventure and feel like walking to the beat of Albright College radio, then I suggest you stop on by. And don't forget to leave some writings where you can.

Comfort: 3 out of 5. This place is dark and dreary, but like I said some music may just soften you right up.

Accessibility: 1 of 5. I think the next floor down might be hell, so be careful if you choose to walk around down there.

Writings: 1 out of 5. I personally don't remember anything important on there, so surprise me!

Cleanliness: 4 out of 5. That brown thrown throughout the paint bothers me, but not many people hit this particular potty often, so cleanliness is not an issue.

Crowdedness: 5 out of 5. Like I said before, it's out of the way and it might be close to hell, and we all know you can't crap in hell, or escape from there. I would say you will be basking in privacy there.

Overall: 14 out of 25. The Dungeon's bathroom is not really up to snuff, but if have an itching for Lewis and Clark, then I encourage you to explore.

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