Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Computer Center. Men's Room

Everyone knows this bathroom. This baby's a staple, much like its library counterpart. You will find it much more to your liking though. It's a very clean bathroom, but I'm going to get something out of the way first. There is always toilet paper in the smaller of the two stalls, or there are little floaties. This will no doubt make you want to stroll over to the "handicrapper." There are always streaks on this one though because the bowl doesn't fill up very high with water. I personally will take the streaks though. They won't splash up on you when you drop a torpedo (the type of deuce that when it hits the water, splashes a little on your behind, you know what I'm talking about) like floaties might, and they often flush easier.

Modern artwork can be found in the smaller stall. You can have an enlightened moment with a Gandhi-esque mural right across from you. This will make up for the low positioning of the toilet. A little one way conversation with the boss of peace will surely calm the senses for a relaxing poo.
I go for comfort though. Gandhi's sacrifice didn't get India too far in the big scheme of things, so I don't know how much it will help my pooping. If that's your thing though, go for it. I find the height of the "handicrapper" to be reminiscent of the positioning of the throne found in the executive suite. The writings on the wall were a bit aggressive though. But if you are into promiscuous women, I suggest you stop by there for some opportunities. ZMB gave a shout out, while Pi Kappa Phis were made fun of once again.

Comfort: 4 out of 5. Whether it's Gandhi you want to put on a pedestal or yourself, you'll be satisfied here.

Accessibility: 3 out of 5. It's on the backside (no pun intended) of campus, but everyone stops by the computer center for something. And since it takes five minutes for those computers to load up, you should have ample time for a quality dismissal of waste.

Writings: 3 out of 5. Gandhi is enjoying himself in there. So should you. I do feel bad for the people named on the walls though. One of the girls, don't ask me who, is in my classes. Now every time I see her, I think of what's been put on the poop house walls.

Cleanliness: 4 out of 5. The streaks and floaties subtract a point, but that's not the fault of anyone.

Crowdedness: 5 out of 5. Even through a busy finals week I have never had a problem going to the bathroom there. It's nice and quiet in there as well.

Overall: 19 out of 25. Relieve some of the stress that comes with writing that long research paper in the computer center. Stop on by the men's room.

1 comment:

salaamthebody said...

i finally took a dump in the room across my office. surprisingly, the seats were quite comfortable. reading my poli sci book, i received an epiphany and finally understood the material that was going into me as other material was going out.